What is Health365

Health365 is an online service provided in partnership with Bethlehem and Omokoroa Medical Centres. It gives you secure access to your medical records and a wide range of other services that make it easy to manage your own healthcare. You can also be authorised to view other family members on the same account e.g. children, dependents)

What can I do with Health365?

Access all services anywhere, anytime from your PC, tablet or smartphone.

  • Make appointments with GP or Nurse.
  • Order repeat prescriptions.
  • Access all your records held by your GP including medical history, medications and immunisations.
  • Access the consultation notes the doctor makes about your visits
  • View and track your test results
  • Get a list of scheduled events (e.g. due dates for checkups)


How do I get Access to Health365?

Registrations can be actioned by Doctors and Nurses and Receptionists.

You will need an individual personal email address. A confirmation email will be sent to you with a user name and password.

Nurse and Reception registrations can only give patient access to the following services:-

  • Appointment making
  • Repeat medications
  • Results
  • Consultations
  • Health summary